How Dangerous is Biking in New York City?

Biking through city first person point of view

New York City is one of our country’s most favorite biking cities. What more natural way is there to eliminate the stress of congested streets and never-ending stop and go traffic? About 500,000 residents bike each month around the city. Here are some of our favorite biking stats in the Big Apple:

  • In the last five years, DOT has expanded and enhanced the on-street bike network by nearly 330 miles, including more than 68 protected lane miles. - DOT Cycling Trends in NYC

  • Streets and sidewalks make up 80% of all New Yorker’s public space. -

  • 24% of Adult New Yorkers ride a bike, and more than half of those riders (828,000 of them) take their bike out at least several times a month. - DOT Cycling Trends in NYC

  • In June 2018, there was an average of 65,098 Citi bike rides per day, with each bike used an average of 6.20 times per day. - Citi Bike

  • On a typical day, there are about 460,000 cycling trips made in NYC. - DOT Cycling Trends in NYC

  • The combined distance of all Citi Bike’s in June 2018 was 3,590,472 miles. - Citi Bike

  • Between 2011 and 2016, there’s been 107% growth of people commuting to work in Manhattan. - DOT Cycling Trends in NYC

Biking around NYC is commonplace. It’s an easy, stress-free way to travel. Unfortunately, even after all of the improvements and awareness of bikers in our city, accidents still happen. No person deserves to suffer from the physical and psychological effects of a bicycle accident. If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you are legally entitled to collect damages for your injuries.

Call our firm today to schedule a free case evaluation.
