Don’t Accept the Insurance Company’s First Offer


When we make our monthly car insurance payment, we do it in the belief that our insurance company will come through for us in the event of an accident. It’s important to remember, however, that an insurance company’s bottom line is profit, and they will do whatever they can to protect their numbers. This includes paying you less compensation than you deserve after an accident. Learn why you should not accept the insurance company’s first offer following an accident.

What to Do after an Accident

The steps you take after an accident may affect your claim. In order to protect your rights and your likelihood of getting a fair compensation offer, it’s in your best interest to do the following after an accident:

  • Seek immediate medical attention. Even if you have not suffered serious injuries, it’s important to seek medical attention nonetheless and keep records of all treatment received. This evidence can be used down the line to prove that the accident caused your injuries.

  • Contact the police. Make sure to submit your side of the story, as well as the testimony of any witnesses, into an official police report.

  • Take photos at the scene. Take photos of any injuries and property damage sustained during the accident.

  • Contact an experienced personal injury attorney. A skilled car accident lawyer can guide you through the legal processes following an accident and negotiate with your insurer.

Seeking Compensation after an Accident

Depending on the extent of your injuries and the damage to your property, you may be able to file a claim to compensate you for lost wages, medical bills, pain and suffering, property damage, and permanent disability. With the proper evidence in hand and an experienced personal injury attorney on your side, your chances of receiving a fair compensation offer increases.

If you believe your insurer is offering you a settlement that is lower than you deserve based on your injuries and damage to your vehicle, do not accept the offer. Insurance companies often lowball victims with their first offer, because they are a for-profit business and do not want to lose money.

Once you reject the insurance company’s first offer, you may respond with a counteroffer. In this situation, it’s a good idea to contact an experienced personal injury attorney who can work to recover the compensation you deserve while you focus on healing from your injuries.

If you were involved in a Manhattan car accident, contact Loscalzo & Loscalzo, P.C. at (646) 846-4776 to discuss your case with one of our personal injury attorneys today.
